8 ways to create a better experience during labor & delivery
Is that even possible?
What comes up when you think of the day you will give birth? Do you picture it like the movies where it’s hard, looks painful as the woman squeezes the partner's hand, yelling and screaming? Or do you picture it as a calming and magical experience?
Honestly, we can’t tell you what your birth will be like, no one knows until the day of and you’re in the moment. We won’t lie and say none of it will be painful, intense or scary. But we also won’t say those are the only sensation you will experience. Cause it can be calming, magical, and dare we say pain free? (There have been actual accounts of people describing labor and birth as non-painful, believe it or not).
So why not work towards a painless, enjoyable experience, perhaps prepping yourself for a smoother delivery and a faster recovery.
Please remember, birth will go the way it will go, you can prep and plan all you want, and baby will come as they wish. Your body may change course and need a different kind of support when it comes time. Nothing is guaranteed. But it feels good to do something in the months leading up to your delivery date, that helps make you feel like you're in control, increase chances of a better experience, and perhaps make a big difference. Below are a few ways to choose from. You can do them all, or a few.
specifically someone who specializes in the Webster technique. Getting adjusted can keep pelvic balance and reduce tension in surrounding muscles & ligaments. Misalignment in the pelvis can create tension and restrict space for the baby.
The Webster Technique
focuses on gentle adjustments to align the pelvis, promoting an optimal birthing position. It can reduce uterine constraint from tight ligaments (especially the round ligament) which can pull on the uterus, affecting the baby’s ability to move into the ideal head-down position. By relaxing these ligaments, the uterus can expand naturally, allowing the baby more room to rotate correctly. With a well-balanced pelvis, the baby is able to settle into a head-down, anterior position, reducing the risk of breech or posterior positioning. This can lead to a smoother, shorter labor with less intervention.
Not to mention adjustments during pregnancy can relieve lower back pain, pelvic pain, and pubic symphysis dysfunction.
Can be highly beneficial in all stages. From the time you decide you want to conceive to the final weeks of delivery, and looking to help get things “going.” Acupuncture can promote relaxation, reduce pain and help the body prepare fore delivery.
It encourages a natural labor progression, releases endorphins which can make contractions more manageable. (Who doesn’t want that!?), and overall can lead to a more comfortable birth experience. When the nervous system is calm, acupuncture lowers stress hormones that not only improves labor efficiency but can also shorten its duration. It can support postpartum recovery by balancing hormones and helping the fetus into an optimal position.
Ensuring you are feeling good while laboring can be one the best things you can do for yourself.
Body Massage
Labor can progress a bit easier when mama’s body is more relaxed. Massage in the final weeks can also boost oxytocin release, which is the hormone that helps contractions be more effective.
If you experience leg cramps, a massage around the hips and lower back can alleviate these symptoms, which tend to intensify before labor. It also encourages a stronger mind-body connection, improving pain management during contractions. We can see clients past past due date.
Perennial Massage
Regular massage (starting around 34–36 weeks of pregnancy) helps stretch and soften the perinatal tissues, making them more adaptable during birth.(the area between the vagina and anus) This unique massage can reduce the likelihood of tearing or the need for an episiotomy.
It also comes in handy for you to become more familiar with the sensation of stretching, making it easier to relax and manage discomfort during crowning.
Wash your hands and use a natural oil (like coconut or almond oil).
Insert thumbs about 1-2 inches into the vagina.
Apply gentle pressure downward and to the sides in a U-shaped motion.
Hold for a few seconds, then release and repeat for 5-10 minutes.
While laboring, you’ll find yourself in the “zone.” Music and affirmations can help keep you there.
Musical playlist
A good playlist can help put you in the right mood and bring you back to center as you work through contractions. Take time to set create a special playlist that you can put on repeat during contractions.
Something for you to focus on and repeat during contractions or difficult moments. Words & images of encouragement, empowerment, and strength.
Postpartum planning
There can be a lot done before a baby comes home, and knowing you’re going to be supported after a baby can also help keep your nervous system’s stress low.
Build your nest work book-
offers a postpartum planning process for expectant parents. It gives plenty of guided posts, and supports people in finding their way. Coming out of the process with a personalized plan, specific to their parenting style, family structure and community. We sell these at Luna.
Meals stocked up
Do you have any pre-made meals set up? A meal train where friends and family drop off food and groceries? We also have a small list of those who offer postpartum support and/or meals if you are in a place of not a lot of family/friend support. Check out:
Having a plan for meals will save in the long run!
This is a method that helps prepare for childbirth, using tools such as relaxation, visualization, and self-hypnosis techniques to reduce fear, tension, and pain during labor.
These tools can encourage deep relaxation, get the body to work more efficiently, and (fingers crossed) lead to a shorter, smoother birth with fewer medical interventions.
When using controlled breathing, it can enhances oxygen flow to both parent and baby, the positive affirmations and guided hypnosis foster confidence and empowerment. Something you can utilize no matter if you are birthing at home, a birth center, or a hospital.
To learn more, Check out this detailed post from Wildwood Birth Collective